Milan Lucic eats pieces of shit like Jackman for breakfastLOOCHISM - defined in the dictionary as: [
- adjective
1. To describe the awesomeness that is Milan Lucic
Let's be serious here for a moment shall we? Milan Lucic is
HUGE here in Boston. People love him for a few reasons:
1. He fights
2. He can score goals
3. He isn't afraid to hit
and the ultimate reason
4. He reminds people of Cam Neeley when #8 first came into the league.
To celebrate Milan's affect on the Bruins faithful, we started something we like to call "LOOCHISMS"! So what is a Loochism? Well it's pretty simple.
A Loochism is something that describes Milan Lucic, much like the well known Chuck Norris Facts. A Rip-off? Totally, but that's ok. We have built another site for our Loochisms that you can check out
here. Also, if this post is gone, look for Milan's face in the left column.
Interested in getting a Loochism on our website? Again, easy enough. You can post a comment with your first name, location/website and we'll post it for the world to see. If this post is gone, you can also e-mail us at
Lucic deserves to have something like this done because he is the man, he is the one who goes out there and energizes the crowd, he's the one who drops the gloves if needed. Like my Loochism states:
For fear of getting hit by Milan Lucic, Mike Komesarek's jaw broke itself
Show your love for Lucic or he will find you and punch you in the face.
I'd give one of my left nuts for that to happen. :)