Hey everyone.
Something's Bruin has been around for 6 months, a very, very short time in terms of a blog. This blog, however, is my life blood and I hope that it shows in the stuff I write. Sure, I may not get every game preview or recap in, but hey, that's life right?
Our good friend Cole Jones at
The Other 6 Seconds recommended our site to a network called
Bloguin. Apparently Bloguin liked us enough that we were asked to be part of their blogging network.
Don't be scared, Bloguin has already said that we are able to be ourselves, post what we want and express ourselves like we have been doing to date. The only thing changing is the layout.
So don't worry everyone, we've moved!
"And we'll all float on OK. And we'll all float on OK.
And we'll all float on OK. And we'll all float on anyway."
- Modest Mouse